Well another week has passed in Zambia at Nyumba Yanga. There is never a dull moment here! This past week I have worked very hard at getting all the girls to write letters to their sponsors. I had those who are not yet sponsored write introductory letters too. I also had the girls hold their letters for a picture and filmed a short video all about them. Some of the girls sang songs, and others acted and recited poems. They are very talented and I want them to be able to show this to people at home in Canada!
I have also filmed videos of the girls preparing for a mass ceremony on June 12th. Local musicians have come into the home to help with the music. They sound really good and with practice I’m sure they will be perfect by June. I have filmed three sessions that are roughly two-three hours long.
They girls seem to really be enjoying my company. They never leave me alone. They are always banging on my door asking to come in. I let them in and we read together, play games and watch the movies I brought on my laptop for them.

The other day the older girls went to a memorial service for Father Eugene (an Irish priest who worked at the Orphanage who passed away suddenly last year). I never met him and did not feel comfortable going, so I decided to stay back with the younger girls and the housemothers. The younger girls were so pleased! We went to the field and played Frisbee, stella ella ola, fire on the mountain, battle ship and relay races. We all seemed to have fun. The most difficult thing about the games was the organization of the girls. I made them hold their ears to show when they were listening and it seemed to really work!
On Mother’s Day I attended a beautiful mass in the larger church with the girls. They made cards for their housemothers and Helen (an Irish volunteer) picked flowers for them. After mass it was brought to my attention that the dog at Nyumba Yanga (named Princess), had gone into labour. I ran to see how she was doing. I comforted the dog and made all the girls be quiet because they were so excited. I had to eventually ask them to leave the room and took care of Princess. After a long 4 hours she had 4 beautiful little puppies. I’m not one for child birth because it’s too messy and graphic... so I made really funny faces and noises. The girls found it quite hilarious! I was exhausted by the time she finished. I had to tell the housemothers and the girls not to touch the puppies because it’s dangerous. I felt like a midwife for a dog. But now Princess is a mother, and her puppies’ birthdays are on mother’s day!
The next 4 days I will be travelling to Livingstone and Botswana. I am very excited. I’m not looking forward to the long bus ride, but it’ll be time for a little relaxing before I return back to Nyumba Yanga to finish the rest of my volunteer placement! All is well and I am having a blast. I’ll keep you posted about my adventures at the Orphanage when I get back to Lusaka!