Friday, May 11, 2012

Updates From Kaitlyn, Our Newest HOJ Volunteer (May 2012)

We are thrilled to announce that Kaitlyn Hynd is currently at Nyumba Yanga as a Homes of Joy International Volunteer! She is doing some amazing work on our sponsorship program, checking on how the project is running, and helping the Sisters and House Mothers care for all of the girls! Check out her first blog below! 
 ~The Homes of Joy Board of Directors

Karibu Homes of Joy Supporters!

I have only been at Home of Joy a few days, but I feel very welcome. The girls, mommies and Sisters have been so kind! On the day of my arrival the girls were patiently waiting for me at the airport. When I arrived I was greeted by 6 girls. They were all very happy to see me. They insisted on carrying all of my things. To prevent fights among the girls I took things out of my back pack for each one to carry. They were so helpful. We jumped in the back of a truck and were on our way to the Orphanage!

Upon arrival at Nyumba Yanga, I saw beautiful smiling girls! Each came to me and shook my hand to say hello. I was amazed at how happy they were too see me. Then they took me to the guest house which they had spent the day cleaning for my arrival. They even made me lunch! I sat to eat my lunch with another volunteer named Auntie Helen. She is from Ireland and very kind. We spoke of the girls and what I came to Zambia to do. After lunch I was called to the hall where the girls sang beautiful songs to welcome me. They also sang Lean On Me (one of my favourites)!!

Since my arrival I have helped the girls with all of their holiday homework. I marked their work and helped them on the questions they had difficulty with. I also have spent time playing games with the girls. It’s not all fun and games though. Recently I have begun to sit down with each girl and learn about them. I have typed up little biographies and made videosfor their sponsors. The girls seem to be enjoying my visit because they are always in the guest house visiting me. They are always inviting me to dinner as well. I have eaten at three of the five houses for dinner. They like to feed their visitors a little too much. Some days I have to skip my next meal because I am so full!

Numba Yanga is certainly a home filled with love and joy. All the girls have told me how much they love their home and what they have learned from being here. I am looking forward to the next two weeks so I can learn even more about the girls and their lives!


Photo: Victoria Lungu proudly displaying a letter she just wrote with me to give to her sponsors in Canada! 

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